Merge Tool For Sourcetree For Mac

The file comparison tool can be integrated with SourceTree so that you can use it to compare changes. The advantages of doing this include:
  • The OxygenCompare Files tool presents the files side-by-side and makes it much easier to determine real changes.
  • The OxygenCompare Files tool includes XML comparison algorithms.
  • The OxygenCompare Files tool includes various options for configuring the comparison.
  • The OxygenCompare Files tool allows you to navigate through changes.

To integrate the Compare Files tool with SourceTree, follow this procedure, depending on your operating system:

Best merge tool for sourcetree

Sourcetree For Mac How To Connect To Ssh

  1. In SourceTree, go to Tools > Options.
  2. Go to the Diff tab.
  3. In the External Diff/Merge section, configure the settings as follows:
    • External Diff Tool - Select Custom.
    • Diff Command - Enter the path of the OxygendiffFile.exe file (for example: c:ProgramsOxygen XML Editor 19diffFiles.exe).
    • Arguments - Enter -ext $REMOTE $LOCAL $LOCAL.
    • Merge Tool - Select Custom.
    • Diff Command - Enter the path of the OxygendiffFile.exe file (for example: c:ProgramsOxygen XML Editor 19diffFiles.exe).
    • Arguments - Enter -ext $LOCAL $REMOTE $BASE $MERGED.
  4. Click OK.

    Result: In SourceTree, you can now compare file changes with the OxygenCompare Files tool by simply selecting External Diff from the contextual menu, Actions menu, or Ctrl+D.

Mac OS X
  1. In SourceTree, go to SourceTree > Preferences.
  2. Go to the Diff tab.
  3. In the External Diff/Merge section, configure the settings as follows:
    • External Diff Tool - Select Custom.
    • Diff Command - Enter a command-line argument to launch the file (for example: sh '/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/').
    • Arguments - Enter -ext $REMOTE $LOCAL $LOCAL.
    • Merge Tool - Select Custom.
    • Diff Command - Enter a command-line argument to launch the file (for example: sh '/Applications/Oxygen XML Editor/').
    • Arguments - Enter -ext $LOCAL $REMOTE $BASE $MERGED.
  4. Close the preferences dialog box.

    Result: In SourceTree, you can now compare file changes with the OxygenCompare Files tool by simply selecting External Diff from the contextual menu or Actions menu.

Posted by2 years ago
  1. Best Git clients for macOS. Price Platforms Price; 95. It doesn't require an external merge tool (like Sourcetree). This is very useful and works better than other tools, and also is cross platform. Remember Sourcetree Mac client having an indicator showing.
  2. Eventually, you might want to go through both paths, so that you can decide which tool to use for specific tasks. Besides, repetition is good for learning:) You can watch the videos and take the quizzes from your phone if you want, but the hands-on labs require you to have a Windows or Mac computer.

I use Git, SourceTree and Xcode on a Mac Lion machine. But I think I need an 'External Diff' tool. I will also most certainly need a Merge tool as well.



I've been using SourceTree for a couple months now and this issue has been bugging me since the beginning. I'm using TortoiseMerge as my external merge tool and when I get conflicts, I call it to resolve them... The issue is that if I enter it, SourceTree automatically assumes everything is resolved even if I don't change a single thing in the file.

Sourcetree For Mac

Is this a bug with SourceTree, or a bug with TortoiseMerge? Is there any way to fix it? Do other merge tools have the same issue?

Download Sourcetree For Mac

On a related note, I've always used WinMerge before but it's not in the list of external merge tools for SourceTree... Why is that? Is there any way to use it?

Git Merge Tool Mac

Thanks in advance

Merge Tool Sourcetree Mac