Rat Tool For Mac

A RAT or remote administration tool, is software that gives a person full control a tech device, remotely. The RAT gives the user access to your system, just as if they had physical access to your device. If you have another Mac, you can install KisMAC and enable the passive driver in preferences and watch the network traffic between your suspected Mac and the wifi router. RAT network activity should be rather high when your not doing jack squat with the suspected machine. When there’s too much RAT (Remote Administration Tool) available for Windows, people wonder if there’s good and useful RAT for Mac as well.

Are you searching for a Remote Administration Tool which you can use to remotely administrate your Android devices? Then you will need the Androrat! The AndroRAT is an remote administration tool which is made for Android devices.

The administration tool can be used for various purposes and can be loaded with various plugins to make it an effective administration tool.

You can download the Android RAT from the Androrat github website. As mentioned on the github website there are some use notes.

  • You will need the Android SDK and Eclipse to compile this project.
  • Command & Control Application is cross platform Java, tested fine on OSX, Linux and Windows
  • You need to edit /src/Androrat/src/my/app/client/LauncherActivity.java before compiling the APK.
  • This is where you hardcode the listeners IP and Port. You can use an IP, or a domain name like a dyndns.
  • On certain mobile devices it drains battery fast. Be aware of this.

Available functionalities are

  • Get contacts (and all theirs informations)
  • Get call logs
  • Get all messages
  • Location by GPS/Network
  • Monitoring received messages
  • Monitoring phone state in live (call received, call sent, call missed..)
  • Take a picture from the camera
  • Stream sound from microphone (or other sources..)
  • Streaming video (for activity based client only)
  • Do a toast
  • Send text message
  • Give call
  • Open URL in the default browser
  • Vibrate the phone

Chrome Cleanup Tool For Mac

BlackHole’ is the latest remote administration tool (RAT) and is available both in Windows and Mac.
Hacktool such RAT employs client-server program that communicates to its victim’s machine through its trojan server. The server application is installed on the victim while the client application is on the managing side.
The version suggest that ‘BlackHole’ is currently in its early stage. However, the author seems to start showcasing the following functionalities:
  • Remote execution of shell commands.
  • Opens webpage using user’s default browser.
  • Sends a message which is displayed on the victims screen.
  • Creates a text file.
  • It is capable to perform shutdown, restart and sleep operation.
  • It is capable to request for admin privileges.

Here is an excerpt from the default text that is displayed in the full screen window with the reboot button:
'I am a Trojan Horse, so i have infected your Mac Computer. I know, most people think Macs can't be infected, but look, you ARE Infected!
I have full controll over your Computer and i can do everything I want, and you can do nothing to prevent it.
So, Im a very new Virus, under Development, so there will be much more functions when im finished.'

Also, it is also capable to block users screen with this message:
Be wary of possible backdoor infection. Report suspicious application, especially if it is communicating to unknown or unfamiliar remote server.
Note:While checking the client-server capability, I just thought that it would be useful to capture a video for reference. (recommended screen 720pHD)

Paint Tool For Mac

Snipping Tool For Mac

Rat tool for embroidery machines
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