Q: Which of the below tools can be used for footprinting?
Sam Spade is a general-purpose Internet utility package, with some extra features to help in tracing the source of spam and other forms of Internet harassment. With the help of Sam Spade you should be able to successfully track the senders of unsolicited emails in a few minutes. The selection of tools designed to scan running applications is more complex and challenging select than are conventional tools as the threat these are designed to counter is also more intensive and more pervasive. NSlookup Whois, Sam Spade, and NSlookup are all used to passively gather information about a target. NMAP and SuperScan are host and network scanning tools.
Lab #3 – Assessment Worksheet Data Gathering and Footprinting on a Targeted Web Site Student Name: Andrew Nguyen Teacher Name: Ashraf Mohamed Lab Due Date: Overview The first phase of hacking is the footprinting phase, which is designed to passively gain information about a target. Sam Spade Download Sam Spade from this web site and install it. Sam Spade is a graphical tool which allows you to do DNS interrogation and many other things. See a tutorial here.The features which make Sam Spade a key security tool are: Advanced DNS - DIG tool requests all the DNS records for a host or domain.
Answer is complete. Select more than one answer if applicable.
Itool For Mac
A: The correct answers are B, C and D.
Best Hacking Tool For Mac
Breakdown:The traceroute, Sam spade, and whois utilities are useful for footprinting.
What is the SAM SPADE utility?
SAM SPADE is a software tool for discovering sources of email spam. It is named after a fictional private detective who unflinchingly sought out justice. The tool itself can request a DNS server to send back details about a domain, scan IP addresses for open ports, find the route of a packet transmitting between a machine and a remote system, and guess the origin of emails from their headers. It can also decode masked URLs.
What is the TRACEROUTE utility?
The TRACEROUTE utility will display the path of a specific IP packet. Traceroute uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo packets, displaying the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as well as the IP address for any gateway along the route to its remote host.